Battlefield, Information and Defense through policies and awareness

  • Presentation
  • 12. March
  • 11:30 - 12:10 AM (CET)
  • Meeting Room 4+5
  • Benny Nascimento

    • Combitech


New situations calls for adaptions to a new set of counter-measures to hold threats at bay. In the modern world of today, the internet is an extension of the battlefields of old and information is the new pot of gold. We Will take a short look of the policies that MSB have identified as the seven most relevant acts when it comes to cybersecurity.


We briefly talk about what a company like Combitech is doing as a part of the Total Defense to contribute. And, We will also talk about creating awareness around how I as an individual may contribute to either help ”bring down the city wall” or to enforce my part of the wall through awareness.


Benny Nascimento

  • Combitech

I’ve been working with information security for five years in various projects within Saab, Combitech and various authorities. My personality is a curious one, always ready to learn new knowledge and gain new insights.