Beyond NMT: Leveraging AI Agents for Translation

  • Exhibitor presentations
  • 13. March
  • 12:40 - 13:10 PM (CET)
  • Meeting Room 5
  •  Marjolein Berends

    Marjolein Berends

    • Intento


Neural machine translation is a well-established technology and, when set up and customized correctly, delivers consistent language results. However, it often still requires significant human editing to fulfil specific requirements. Enter AI Agents: technology utilising GenAI models that can be instructed to meet those requirements that NMT simply cannot grasp.


This presentation will demonstrate how AI agents can work hand in hand with NMT to provide translations that go beyond what is expected of the technology today.


 Marjolein Berends

Marjolein Berends

  • Intento

With over 10 years in the industry, Marjolein guides Intento customers on the best way to solve their localisation challenges. She specializes in practical applications of best-fit solutions by diving into existing translation processes and identifying opportunities for workflow optimisation.