Long awaited, the European Machinery Regulation 2023/1230 was published on 14 June 2023. It shall apply from 20 January 2027 and will govern the manufacture and distribution of machinery within the EU for a long time to come. The Regulation will indeed pose many challenges for technical communicators. For example, there are requirements on the availability of instructions for use and technical documentation and their formats - for the first time, the digital format for instructions for use for machinery has been included in a legal text. In order to bring forward some of the requirements of the Machinery Regulation and make them applicale sooner, the European Commission has revised the so called „Guide to application of the Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC“ in April 2024. The bicycle industry in Germany in has launched a project - in which also tekom Germany is involved - to implement the new requirements under the Machinery Directive now. It will support European and international bicycle manufacturers in implementing the essential safety information requirements. The lecture will provide background information, address open issues, and give practical advice.
Machinery Regulation 2023/1230, its requirments relevant for technical communitation and their assessemt for tekom Europe's perspective
bicycle industry and steps to pave the way for digital and paper formats of instructions for use
Prior knowledge
interest in European Machinery legislation