How Technology and Automation Make Technical Documentation in Aerospace Compliant with Regulation

  • Presentation
  • The Role of Technology in Compliance
  • 12. March
  • 15:40 - 16:20 PM (CET)
  • Meeting Room 4+5
  •  Alex Masycheff

    Alex Masycheff

    • conceito



Airplanes are highly configurable products. Due to specific requirements that each airline has, airplane makers have to deliver to each airline the airplane with a very specific configuration. In fact, in the sky or on the ground, there are no two airplanes that would be totally identical. Because the configuration determines how the airplane is controlled and serviced, the technical documentation of each airplane must reflect its specific configuration and modifications. Not only the life of passengers depend on whether the flight manuals contain the correct information, but the industry regulation also specifically states that “The flight manual shall identify clearly the specific aeroplane to which it is related”.   

Additionally, the regulation requires that all follow-up changes and modifications are documented and approved.

At this session, you’ll learn how various content standards, technology, and automation helps documentation teams in the aerospace industry create and maintain highly variant still regulation-compliant documentation while minimizing the human error, automating the entire process, and streamlining the approval procedures.



  • How XML content standards enable achieving compliance with regulations
  • Why structured content is a must-have for highly configurable products
  • What your technology stack and toolchain should include
  • How to start and what to consider

Prior knowledge

General understanding of structured content concepts is helpful, but not required.


 Alex Masycheff

Alex Masycheff

  • conceito

Alex Masycheff has been in the content industry for 30 years. He lead implementation of content management and knowledge management solutions in many companies, including Kodak, Siemens, Netgear, Toyota, Mercedes, and EMC.