ISO 26516: Future-Proof Instructional Videos in Highly Regulated Industries – theory and practice

  • Presentation
  • Best Practices in Technical Documentation
  • 13. March
  • 15:50 - 16:30 PM (CET)
  • Meeting Room 4
  •  Florian Kadelbach

    Florian Kadelbach

    • yntro GmbH


Whether in healthcare, pharmaceuticals, or other heavily regulated industries, technical information must be both comprehensible and compliant with relevant standards. The upcoming ISO 26516 for the creation of instructional videos introduces a new standard that defines specific requirements for planning, structuring, and ensuring the quality of such videos. 

In this session, Florian Kadelbach (yntro GmbH) demonstrates how the core guidelines of ISO 26516 can be effectively integrated into daily practice. Through concrete examples, he illustrates how to enhance the effectiveness of instructional videos from the user’s perspective, the role of presenters and voice-overs, and why warning notices must be planned just as carefully as the videos’ core content. Another key focus is process optimization: how can production workflows be standardized to minimize both time and costs despite strict regulations? 

This presentation is particularly relevant for those creating, managing or reviewing modern video-based documents in a compliance-driven environment - ensuring they are easy to use and compliant. 


• Overview of ISO 26516 and its impact on videos

• Tips for compliant, user-friendly content

• Strategies for efficient production

• Experience exchange for regulated industries


 Florian Kadelbach

Florian Kadelbach

  • yntro GmbH

Florian Kadelbach is the managing director of yntro GmbH, which specializes in the production of interactive and multilingual instructional videos. As an experienced speaker and consultant in the field of video production, Mr. Kadelbach has developed an innovative creation process for instructional videos based on a user-oriented operating concept.