Making the Best of a Bad Situation: Navigating Medical Device Regulations

  • Presentation
  • Navigating Regulatory Landscapes
  • 12. March
  • 14:40 - 15:20 PM (CET)
  • Meeting Room 4+5
  •  Kathryn Reeb

    Kathryn Reeb

    • Brainlab


When regulations rule your content, user experience is bound to suffer. It doesn't have to be this way! The medical device industry requires the highest of safety standards and is heavily regulated. From regional limitations to balancing multiple regulatory drafts, the authoring and document lifecycle management can feel like a puzzle with too many pieces. This presentation introduces the challenges and limitations that Technical Writing teams have to overcome in order to provide meaningful Instructions for Use in highly regulated industries. We will cover keeping up a sleek and modern appearence to your documents, making the most of eIFUs, what to do if you are called into an audit, how close collaborations within your company can foster long-term knowledge growth and further tips on not only surviving, but thriving in a tough regulated industry.


You will learn how to keep user experience in focus, while meeting strict regulatory requirements, as well as learn from 15+ years of personal experience growing as a technical communicator and becoming a regulatory expert and team lead.

Prior knowledge

None required


 Kathryn Reeb

Kathryn Reeb

  • Brainlab

With 16+ years experience, Kathryn is the Manager of the Technical Writing team at Brainlab, a medical technology company headquartered in Munich, Germany.


Kathryn studied Journalism at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee before moving to Munich in 2006.