Producing Technical Information in a highly regulated industry

  • Presentation
  • 12. March
  • 10:40 - 11:20 AM (CET)
  • Meeting Room 4+5
  •  Niklas Öyen

    Niklas Öyen

    • Saab AB


The presentation will give insight into how to set up and produce TI for a rather complex products in an highly regulated environment.


We will describe the challenges, how we solved this challenges and same take a ways/benefits from working with strict regulations for TI.


 Niklas Öyen

Niklas Öyen

  • Saab AB

Mr Öyen works as Head of Process Methods and Tools ILS (PM&T ILS) at SAAB AB. With over 20 years of experience in ILS and Technical Information, Niklas has been working on several Saab, national and international projects covering military products, for air and land domain.
Today Niklas is LSI ILSM Technical Information for the Saab GlobalEye programme.

Niklas began his career 2001(after serving in the Swedish armed forces) at AerotechTelub as System engineer working with technical support to Swedish Air force, mainly concerning technical information.

Between 2003 and 2007 Niklas was Project leader technical information for a number of projects both within Saab and in the Swedish armed forces. Working with applying S1000D to aviation and land products.

From 2008 to 2011 Niklas was Business Coordinator technical information and aviation services, working with business development and operational development.

Since 2011 Niklas has been Head of Competence Centre ILS and Process Methods and Tools leader ILS at Saab, with short spells of work as section manager/project leader and Technical Information Manager.