About Nordic Techkomm

At NORDIC TechKomm, international experts will convene in Stockholm to discuss trends and current topics in the field of technical communication. The focus is on next generation. Here, all professionals with an advanced level of knowledge in TC come together – technical writers, information developers, technical communication managers and content architects.

Lego-Steine stellvertretend für die Vielzahl der Themen

A Variety of Topics

The main conference topic is "Possibilities and Pitfalls of the Machinery Regulation". Participants can expect a program rich in variety presented by international expert speakers covering topics such as, User Experience, Intelligent Content, Delivery of information, and many more.  The conference language is English.

Teilnehmer der Tagung sitzen in einem Workshop zu Themen über User Experience und Artificial Intelligence

Exchange and Learn

At NORDIC TechKomm, the aim is to provide participants with real, practical skills along with new theoretical approaches to Intelligent Information for Users. The workshops offer innovative ways to further develop competencies for participants' daily work in TC. It is the ideal platform to share best practices and grow your international network.

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