Hands-on: Metadata for beginners

  • Workshop
  • Changes in the way we work
  • 07. March
  • 09:00 - 10:30 AM (CET)
  • Bill
  • finished
  • Presentation Slides
  • Prof. Dr. Martin Ley

    Prof. Dr. Martin Ley

    • Hochschule München
  •  Sofia Darie

    Sofia Darie

    • PANTOPIX GmbH & Co KG


Metadata was yesterday? Not at all. Despite the hype surrounding ChatGPT, machine learning and the like, metadata is by no means obsolete. With metadata, we are laying the foundations today for tomorrow's applications - be it in a Component Content Management System or for a Content Delivery Portal. But what exactly are metadata in the first place? How do the first basic steps of metadata modeling look like? And what can go wrong? We use specific examples to explore the world of metadata: What different metadata classes are there? What values can they have? What are the dos and donts of metadata modeling? 


You will be familiar with different forms of metadata classes and values. You will be able to use your domain knowledge to develop a metadata model. You know the "golden rules" of metadata modeling. You create the basis for tomorrow today.

Prior knowledge

Technical authoring


Prof. Dr. Martin Ley

Prof. Dr. Martin Ley

  • Hochschule München

Dr. Martin Ley is Professor of Information Management at Munich University of Applied Sciences and a consultant and partner at PANTOPIX. He teaches and advises on the topics of information structuring and classification, information delivey and the use of semantic technologies in technical communication.

 Sofia Darie

Sofia Darie


Sofia Darie recently completed her Bachelor's degree in Technical Writing and Communication in Munich. In her final thesis, she investigated how the use of ontologies can ensure semantic interoperability and how the product world can be described more consistently across domains. As a consultant at PANTOPIX, she is now looking forward to immersing herself in the professional field of technical communication. Her tasks include advising customers in the field of information management and finding ways to use selected tools as efficiently as possible.